Turning off the Conscious Mind
This post is all about my latest trip to Turkey, quite a personal one. A lot of family moments and a glimpse of my yet-to-be-named, ongoing photography series portraying Turkish Artists in their studios…
This post is all about my latest trip to Turkey, quite a personal one. A lot of family moments and a glimpse of my yet-to-be-named, ongoing photography series portraying Turkish Artists in their studios.
Being far away from home makes me think a lot about how I can connect with the life I left behind, especially from a photography standpoint. In a country polarized to its core, losing my sense of belonging day after day, I choose to hold onto the people I love, memories, and the small community I was raised in, transforming them into silver crystals. This is my way out..
All photos are Tri-X at 800 developed in XTOL 1:1, 10:30mins at 21°C, shot mostly with Leica M6 and the square ones with Rolleiflex 2.8F
January 2020, Istanbul
Eh, It’s a Living..
Some photos from late 2017 and early 2018, mostly street captures from my weekend walks in the city…
Some photos from late 2017 and early 2018, mostly street captures from my weekend walks in the city. All photos are Tri-X mostly shot at 800, developed in XTOL 1:1, 10:30mins at 21°C, Leica M6 and 35mm Summicron ASPH.
March 2019, New York
Nice and Cozy
Catching up from last summer. I just keep documenting streets and people around me that make my life worthwhile, without really thinking too much about what to do with all these photos…
Catching up from last summer. I just keep documenting streets and people around me that make my life worthwhile, without really thinking too much about what to do with all these photos. I like the freedom to express myself through photography and I’ll keep doing it as long as it keeps me in the flow.
All photos are Tri-X at 800 developed in XTOL 1:1, 10:30mins at 21°C, shot with Leica M6 and 35mm Summicron ASPH. Grab some coffee and enjoy!
February 2018, New York
What’s so Funny, Sir?
This one starts with VES NYC Awards night, a fancy event mostly for New York’s VFX community to gather in person and complain each other about their studios…
This one starts with Visual Effects Society NYC awards night. It was pretty dark inside, wasn't expecting anything usable would come out but ISO 2000 helped me save the night.
December 2017, New York
Williamsburg Vigilante
Trying to catch up with some old season stuff, dozens of rolls waiting to be developed.. Wandering here and there mostly in the city…
Trying to catch up with some old season stuff, dozens of rolls waiting to be developed.. Wandering here and there mostly in the city, all shot with Leica M6, Summicron 35mm Pre-ASPH, Tri-x exposed at 800-1000-1600 and developed in XTOL, enjoy!
July 2017, New York
From NYC with Love
First post after moving to United States. It took a while to settle down but I finally worked my way back to film photography. I tried digital for a while but sorry, grain calls me…
First post after moving to United States. It took a while to settle down but I finally worked my way back to film photography. I tried digital for a while but sorry, grain calls me…
As I left the majority of my family behind, I can see the blog is heading towards more street than personal stuff. Not complaining but I’ll definitely miss those none-sense daily photos. All Tri-x between 800-1600 ISO shot with Leica M6 and Summicron 35mm and 50mm, developed mostly in XTOL, some grainy ones in HC-110. enjoy!
July 2016, New York
Don’t Mess with my Home
The chemicals and film prices went so freaking high in Turkey that I had to quit film and put everything on hold for a while. Finally found some time and enthusiasm to get the blog running again…
Back to blogging with a packed, dirty post after a while. A lot happened meanwhile. At some point the chemicals and film prices went so freaking high in Turkey that I had to quit film and put everything on hold for a while. Finally found some time and enthusiasm to get the blog running again. Sharing stuff from here and there. Not much street on this one, mostly documenting stuff going around me as I go to places. All Tri-x between 800-2400 ISO shot with Leica M6 and Summicron 35mm V4
October 2014, Istanbul
Dad, Me, and the Acrylic Splash on my Shirt
Wow! Its been months since my last post. Finally I’m back from the army. I wish I had the opportunity to use my camera there. Naturally it was strictly forbidden…
Wow! Its been months since my last post. Finally I’m back from the army. I wish I had the opportunity to use my camera there. Naturally it was strictly forbidden. It was so funny to witness a bunch of grown up men gather, -in the name of serving the country- form an artificial reign, role play with that ridiculous attitude of no earthly use and call this military. Not to bore you with these endless discussions, it was a total waste of time.
Starting with the pre-army shots. I feel like its been ages since those days. I really don’t remember what the topic was. so I just submit them more or less in chronological order. Looks like a weekend visit to Ankara.
Everything is illuminated! I was there to make a preliminary photo shoot of the rock band Cicibebe for their upcoming album, Last Nail in the Coffin
After years of gigging in Ankara pubs, they finally end up with an album. The interesting part is that the CD they released was empty so one can download and burn the MP3s in it. Thus they made a remarkable impact on the music community, stating that there’s no difference left between a music CD and an empty CD.
May 2009. I’m back
August 2009, Istanbul
What You Step is What You Pee
We were on a one week trip at italy. Full of tourists at this time of the year. Following shots mostly exposed at Venice, Florence, Rome and Naples…
We were on a one week trip at Italy. Full of tourists at this time of the year. Following shots mostly exposed at Venice, Florence, Rome and Naples with the ordinary setting of Trix at 1600 and developed in XTOL 1:1, 17,5 minutes at 21°C. We had this ultra fine wheather on the contrary, I had a chance to fully experience the ND filter.
August 2008, Istanbul
Hmm, it’s Old!
Last month we were in Ankara for Senemk & Erhan’s wedding and I was there once again to annoy the commissioned photographers of the event…
July 2008, Istanbul
World’s Reflection Day
Starting from May with a few shots. Gone out for a walk on the world’s reflection day…
June 2008, Istanbul
The Most Hated Motion Designer on Earth
I was making my way from metro to home when I saw this operator guy switched on the auto-pilot, got off the vehicle, lighted up a cigar and started walking with it. Looked like he had taken his giant pet out for a walk…
May 2008, Istanbul
That Train will Stop Right Here!
The super bright Ankara Subway. Fits Melih Gökçek’s style very well: We have the best illuminated subway cars among all European capital cities…
April 2008, Istanbul
It’s a Leica
Looking around he noticed my camera and directly asked if I am studying photography. Sick of hearing this question…
March 2008, Istanbul
Reusable Shit
For some reason this roll didn’t load on the spiral, I got so furious that I decided to torture the film. Did everything that shouldn’t be done. Touched the negative all over, further exposed some areas through the door lock, made some huge scratches using a pin and dropped it on the floor for a couple of times…
Well, for some reason this roll didn’t load on the spiral, I got so furious that I decided to torture the film. Did everything that shouldn’t be done. Touched the negative all over, further exposed some areas through the door lock, made some huge scratches using a pin and dropped it on the floor for a couple of times. Then I forced the film in the spiral again and developed this Tri-x at 1000, HC-110 9 minutes at 20°C (dil B 1:31). It seems to lose every detail though I enjoyed the experimental process.
February 2008, Istanbul
Like a Dream
My weekend started with this intercorporate meeting during which we made serious plans of conquering the world. The details are confidential, sorry…
My weekend started with this intercorporate meeting during which we made serious plans of conquering the world. The details are confidential, sorry…
February 2008, Istanbul
The Last Turşusuz Cheeseburger
I heard rumours about Umut that he was busy trying to combine these two photos to make one…
February 2008, Istanbul
Ankara Has Run out of Water!
Wandering around Beyoğlu, the guy was standing still in this pose, reminds me the lifeless model Vahe Kılıçarslan…
January 2008, Ankara
With pleasure, Mr.
Everything was great until the guy began singing out some kind of folksong very loud…
We were at the celebration after the press conference, for release of İbrahim Karaoğlu’s book about artist İbrahim Örs book of artistic analysis on which they used one of my crap shots as portrait of the author. Everything was great until the guy began singing out some kind of folksong very loud…
Ending the party with the starring.. he signed the book for me and noted down: I hope you make a photo of me someday, brother
Bad news is that these were the last shots I made with my beloved Pentax me Super, it’s broken now and way beyond repair. After a few weeks of Ebaying I found a clean Leica M6 coupled with a Cron 35mm. First shots, Tri-x at 800 developed with Ilfosol (very crap combo)
Having ran out of chemicals, I had this roll developed and scanned at some photo store. I don’t understand how and why they produce sepia toned images from my Tri-x rolls every single time. I feel confused trying to desaturate BW shots.
Actually, I love the way these digital photo stores approach on BW film photography.
- Hi, do you have any kind of BW film?
- Take this Kodak Gold, just shoot and we can convert your photos to black and white.
Later on, I realized that this guy was the fairest. Some try to sell expired rolls for $10.
There is no doubt that the most enjoyable part is trying to print something with these guys. Taking the initiative, he tries to brighten the photo to reveal the face in silhouette, or cancels the print for a particular photo if he doesn’t like the composition, claiming that it’s a crap photo shot by mistake.
January 2008, Istanbul