Dad, Me, and the Acrylic Splash on my Shirt
Wow! Its been months since my last post. Finally I’m back from the army. I wish I had the opportunity to use my camera there. Naturally it was strictly forbidden. It was so funny to witness a bunch of grown up men gather, -in the name of serving the country- form an artificial reign, role play with that ridiculous attitude of no earthly use and call this military. Not to bore you with these endless discussions, it was a total waste of time.
Starting with the pre-army shots. I feel like its been ages since those days. I really don’t remember what the topic was. so I just submit them more or less in chronological order. Looks like a weekend visit to Ankara.
Everything is illuminated! I was there to make a preliminary photo shoot of the rock band Cicibebe for their upcoming album, Last Nail in the Coffin
After years of gigging in Ankara pubs, they finally end up with an album. The interesting part is that the CD they released was empty so one can download and burn the MP3s in it. Thus they made a remarkable impact on the music community, stating that there’s no difference left between a music CD and an empty CD.
May 2009. I’m back
August 2009, Istanbul